I’m definitely not the bloggiest / content-makingest person on earth but my low traffic affords me a bit of leeway when i’m otherwise indisposed. I’ve been busy and the games i’ve been playing do not make for good videos I think. This blog isn’t going anywhere or my channel, though, i am re-evaluating a lot of the videos on there.
I’m doing this for the experience recording, messing around with audio/video software and youtube/blog administration. Its interesting stuff and I will continue with it in some form or another, but a lot of stuff that was up has been taken down, maybe temporarily for now as I get it all sorted out.
I don’t know whats worse though, not having a blog or having one but not keeping it updated.. hmm.
Also i’m disabling comments.. not cause I hate them but because i’m tired of the spam filter emails and there isn’t much to comment on so doesn’t seem like a big deal atm.