Thoughts on the channel & blog

I’m definitely not the bloggiest / content-makingest person on earth but my low traffic affords me a bit of leeway when i’m otherwise indisposed. I’ve been busy and the games i’ve been playing do not make for good videos I think. This blog isn’t going anywhere or my channel, though, i am re-evaluating a lot of the videos on there.

I’m doing this for the experience recording, messing around with audio/video software and youtube/blog administration. Its interesting stuff and I will continue with it in some form or another, but a lot of stuff that was up has been taken down, maybe temporarily for now as I get it all sorted out.

I don’t know whats worse though, not having a blog or having one but not keeping it updated.. hmm.

Also i’m disabling comments.. not cause I hate them but because i’m tired of the spam filter emails and there isn’t much to comment on so doesn’t seem like a big deal atm.

Not dead

I’m just really busy and I haven’t had time to do any more videos yet. The few games I make time for recently wouldn’t really do well for videos (skyrim for example) or cause frame rate drops I can’t deal with (BF3/Tribes ascend). I’m not done making LPs though and/or other things aside from LPs i want to do. Just have a lot of real world things to do as well that keep me busy. May do a 1 off or something shorter.. hoping in a month or two I might be able to get back in to a more relaxed schedule and make some interesting videos.

Skyrim Hiatus

I, much like everyone else, am playing Skyrim. Its way to big for me to LP, so.. I haven’t been doing anything along those lines with it. Its also a possibility i’ll be sick of Skyrim before I even actually finish it, simply due to the massive amount of side quests and general screwing around you can do. I may pick a particular quest line and record it but not promising.. anyway, thats whats up.

Just playing an extremely long game that i’m not going to LP, haven’t abandoned the channel and site or anything 😉